Setting up Grafana CloudWatch datasource with role ARN in Kubernetes and terraformIf you do not want to set AWS credentials (access key and secret key) in grafana instance/ service or in the form of credentials file.Feb 15, 2021Feb 15, 2021
Grafana docker image with sysdig pluginThere is a really simple way to install any plugin (custom or built-in) in grafana through a docker image. Without having to install the…Apr 12, 2020Apr 12, 2020
Topic-modelingSummary: Identifying the different topics/ subjects in the document by accounting the frequency of occurrence of those topics and thereby…Sep 8, 2019Sep 8, 2019
Google ML summit — 2019I attended Google developer’s ML summit last week and it was a brilliant experience to meet machine learning developers at Google and…Sep 8, 2019Sep 8, 2019
Deploying flask app on aws cloudSummary: In this project, a library management system web application is deployed on Amazon Web Services cloud platform. In which -Sep 5, 2019Sep 5, 2019
The environment for building machine learning modelsAre you wondering which python environment to use while building machine learning models? The best option available is the “ipython or…Jun 22, 2018Jun 22, 2018